Historical Rates
Get up to 365 days of historical data for all of the world's currency pairs. All quotes are Interbank Rates.
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This tool shows you historic rates for 34 currency pairs in 4 different timeframes (5 min, 15 min, 1 hour, 1 day) and 5 periods (10, 25, 50, 100, 250). You can see how the price of these crosses were in the past, in a range of dates or in a particular date. We also give you the highest and lowest values, open and close of each period. You might want to compare these rates with the ones of your broker.
Our rates present high-frequency updated data directly coming from more than 170 big interbank liquidity providers such as ABN Amro, Abbey National Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Zurcher Kantonal Bank, UBS Investment Bank, Westpac and many more. The real time streaming feed displays Open, High, and Low rates as well as the performance in pips and percentage compared to the price close at 00:00 GMT. Click on a pair to get detailed information.