The goal of FuturesMag.com is to disseminate information and trading strategies on all derivative markets, from commodities to stock indexes, from futures to ETFs, from exchange traded to OTC, that can help readers make money in the markets. Born of Futures magazine, FuturesMag.com provides real time price quote updates, daily trading strategies, breaking news and analysis, expert advice, trader profiles, managed fund performance updates and more — without the noise of many market Websites. Daily and weekly eNewsletters provide readers everything from comprehensive news to turn-key trading strategies to interpretation of the commitment of traders report. We also offer educational Web seminars, virtual trading conferences and tradeshows, plus custom opportunities for our marketing partners.
Trading is a hard business; we aim to make it easier. Our product line offers a one-stop shop for finding trusted information that will help our readers be profitable and provide integrated solutions to showcase marketing partner products and services.